We could find out that Galicians are coming from a celtic culture as well as Irish and Scotish people. Therefore, we have got many things in common as: monuments, festivals, music, traditions...
As María, the conversation assistant is from Scotland, we could discover with her, all the celtic features of the scotish culture.
In the
english class we were learning about our ascendants “The Celts”.
The littlest kids discovered that in the center of Vigo, there is a
hill called “O Castro”. And they found out that this name comes from an ancient
town, whose ruins can still be seen in this hill. They also could learn more
about them through the story of “King Arthur” or the Asterix and Obelis
In 2nd and 3rd grade we learnt a lot of information through a Quest, based on the presentation the teacher made for us.
In 4th, 5th and 6th
grade we worked in small groups to find
out information about the Celtic culture in Galicia. We were looking for
information in the library, at home and internet, then we prepared the
presentation to share this information with all of the other students.

We learnt who were the celts, where they came
from, where they lived, about their religion, their economy, art, battles
and weapons, and their festivals and music.
Presentación Celts-2ºciclo from Segundo Ciclo Carballal on Vimeo.
Presentación Celts 3º ciclo from Segundo Ciclo Carballal on Vimeo.
In 5th and 6th we worked
with María about our common celtic roots between Galicia and Scotland. She made
a presentation and then we discussed about all the things both countries have
in common. In small groups we made a poster with this similitarities under the
tittle: “Scotland and Galicia... the Celtic Nations”.
As part of the project “Vivamos como
galegos… Coñezamos Galicia” and “Celtic
Roots”, all the kids in Primary made a medallion with a Celtic Symbol and
following the Sargadelos Style. We discovered how important was this company
for the Galician Art and culture along the last century.
In the arts classes we were working on the project “Carbi
meets… Galicia”
And here you can see the result and find out more about our work :
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